This project aims to enable high school students to relate more to their learned science and mathematical studies and understand their application in real-life scenarios. Introducing design to high school students makes it one of the best ways to do so, as it makes students open-minded, exploratory, and critical thinkers.
Providing them with a tool to understand their surroundings and culture, this project tries to create awareness about design thinking among students. It can also play a significant role in finding appropriate solutions to local problems.
In this attempt, the discussed solution also makes the learning of the design process in harmony with the science concepts such that it doesn’t feel like an extra effort added to their already existing course work. The solution is build considering the affordability and accessibility for an Indian middle-class family.
Understanding context and syllabus
Certain aspects of design education must be included, like- ways of evaluation, exploration of new skills, hands-on experience, and an increase in understanding of surrounding designed object. This project aims to target majorly 8th standard students and their needs. As in the 8th standard, science is further divided into physics, chemistry, and biology, hence providing segregation to the complex topics.
Following are the identified topics of science and Mathematics of the 8th standard that can be introduced in provided solution as their application can be observed in simple day to day life objects: Visualising solids (Front, side and top view), Mapping spaces, Area, 2d/3d (Volume), Intro to the graph, Basic probability and charts, Practical geometry, Simple interest and compound interest/tax, Basic concept of light, Material (plastics, non-metal/metal), Electric Current and its effects.
Understanding the vastness of design education basics like- aesthetics, design process, and understanding of different prototyping tools. The solution constrains only the “Introduction of the design and design process”. The aim is that students have a better understanding of the design and use the design process by themselves.
Concept explorations
After research, I realized that the solutions should explore different platforms and media. Getting used to or understanding the medium of the solution itself should not become a challenge. Hence platforms that are familiar to the target audience should be considered.
1. Design challenge app
Daily design challenge application is an idea that tries to get students involved in daily step-wise design challenges, in which they not only learn about the design process but also know how to go about solving problems on their own and reflecting on them. It also helps them to share their design journey on their social platforms. This Idea introduces the time constrain to complete a project. It breaks down the design process into further smaller day-to-day steps and presents them as challenges.
2. Design case studies app
The case study design app helps its user to understand the design process and gives a platform to compare the final product or outcome with an existing design. It enables users to understand real-life design problem solutions. Here they learn to understand the thinking behind a designed object and its cultural and social importance.
3. Science exhibition video
Make an 8-10 min long video explaining the design process, its application, how students can use it for their science projects, and explore new ideas. The video explains the whole process through (making a paper boat) an example of making it. This solution tries to target students’ interests and makes it a strategy to help them do a project.
4. Re-Design app
This app helps its user to understand how and why a product is made. It also makes its user more sensitive towards the logic, decision made behind making a product, and understanding the design process.
Concept evaluation
The concepts were taken to the users for their feed back and been compared with the assumtion made about the concepts and there limitations. It was observed that most of the users were interested in the fact that they will be learning and even coming up with new designs by doing something they mostly do for fun.
From the user feedback and feasibility vs impact map, “Re-design app” concept had been taken as the final solution and explored further.
Final concept
“Re-design app” during the concept feedback session, the user appreciated this idea as he said, “Oh! I keep on opening things and reassembling them because there are many gadgets in my home that don’t work. I might be able to use this to have some fun”. This idea conditions the user with the design process and provides a platform to see value in a task that was considered as satisfying exploration.
Concluding thoughts
The users well received the solution as it showed them the value to have a curious mind. It completed its primary goal to broaden the perspective about design among students and introduce the design process among them. It also increases the sensitivity of students towards the details in an everyday object.
Though the introduced application is in its early stage, it has a lot of potentials, and through the involvement of different activities, other parts of design education like understanding of aesthetics, material study, etc can be included.
The solution introduced is one of a kind, but it still cannot be monetized, as lot of work is required to make it a complete product. But as we see, MHRD pushing for the design education in school and due to COVID months of lockdown, which has shown people the possibility of working and learning from home. It can leave a lasting impact on students and teachers. This product can play a significant role in later years to come for school going students.
To Know more about the project contact me through my email:
This project has been done as my final year project to access the full report click here.